Learning Support
At Aldro, we encourage a whole school approach to supporting children with learning/SEND difficulties. Form and subject teachers, as well as pastoral and learning support staff work together to provide support, encouragement and understanding in every aspect of a pupil's school life.
In most cases, a pupil's needs will be met with the context of the classroom, with teaching targeted at the pupil's area of weakness using an appropriately differentiated curriculum. Our aim is to keep pupils in the classroom learning with their peers. If in some cases a pupil does not make adequate progress with a differentiated curriculum then the subject teacher, with the support of the Head of Learning Support, will begin to assess whether the pupil has learning/SEND difficulties. At this point small group work such as Maths Club may be offered to help a pupil catch up with their peers, possibly in conjunction with individual lessons. However, 1:1 lessons are only appropriate as the last response to target specific needs at that time. We aim to enable all children to participate in the life and work of the school, and together with parents, we aspire to provide the education that will help them to achieve to the best of their abilities.
The majority of pupils receiving support at Aldro have mild specific difficulties. If 1:1 lessons are identified as necessary, a bespoke Individual Education Plan will be drawn up for that pupil to target and address areas of difficulty and to boost self-esteem and confidence. The Department liaises closely with parents at all times.
Aldro has a well-resourced Learning Support Department staffed by experienced specialist teachers trained to teach children with dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties.
Learning Support lessons incur an extra charge, details of which can be found in the fees section of the school website.
Pupils for whom English is an additional language (EAL) are provided with tailor made EAL packages. These are designed to accelerate their fluency in English enabling them to access the full curriculum offered by Aldro in preparation for entry in to their chosen Senior School. The cost of the EAL packages will be determined during the Admissions process and will be reviewed as the pupil progresses through the school.
If you would like more information please contact Sarah Evans, Head of Learning Support at senco@aldro.org.