Aldro School Council

The School Council was established in 2010 ‘to enable all pupils at Aldro to contribute towards the continuous improvement of the school community’.

There are 13 pupils and a member of staff on the Council.  The pupils are elected by their peers each term and it is chaired by a Year 8 pupil.  Meetings are held on the last Wednesday of the month and the pupils discuss a wide range of topics relating to school life including environmental issues, food, drink, sport and fundraising ideas.

We believe the School Council provides an opportunity for pupils to develop important life skills through listening, accepting different opinions, learning to find consensus and compromise and taking responsibility for certain projects.

Ideas from the school council that have been implemented to date include:

  • Activities
  • Fundraising 
  • Healthier short tea options
  • Excursions
  • Plans for use of the facilities at school.

Once the meeting is over, Mr Rose produces minutes for the reps to feedback to their classes.  He will then act upon the ideas by speaking to relevant staff members and try to implement the ideas that are feasible.