The Friends of Aldro

The Friends of Aldro Association (FOAA)

Aldro has a thriving parents’ association, the Friends of Aldro Association (FOAA) which organises social and charitable events for parents, staff and pupils at the school.  It is a particularly great way to help welcome new parents to the school.

In a typical year the FOAA hosts a wide range of social events some of which are fundraising for charity or the school.  A typical annual programme would be as follows:


Christmas Term

  • Welcome Drinks party in September for all parents
  • Macmillan Coffee Morning
  • Fireworks display with drinks and BBQ for pupils and their families
  • Winter Fair with gift stalls for adults and organised games and stalls for the children
  • Friends of Aldro Walks

Lent Term

  • Quiz Night with supper
  • Mufti day with a theme
  • Friends of Aldro Walks

Summer Term

  • Regatta fete  - afternoon tea for families and games for the children
  • Tennis Morning and Lunch
  • Summer Ball - approximately every three years
  • Friends of Aldro Walks

Recent projects funded by the FOAA include the purchase of new cassocks for the choir, a Bell Tent used for outdoor learning, Roman Armour, K-nex set for DT, 4 x lego programming sets and a football table for the CMM.

Aldro and the FOAA raised the following money for charity last year:

  • £1539.55 for Macmillan Cancer  - Coffee Morning
  • £470 for Starfish Malawi from the Harvest Festival
  • £7,255.19 for Kent, Surrey abd Sussex Air Ambulance - the Aldro School charity 2021-22
  • £897 in a rugby shirt day in aid of Wooden Spoon charity.

The FOAA committee meets at least twice a term and is made up of:

  • Chairpersons – Sophie Bickerton and Shevaun Leach
  • Secretary - Charlie Tillett
  • Treasurer – Georgina Farley
  • Form Representatives from each form in the School
  • Nicky Carlier,  Headmaster's wife
  • Victoria Smith, Bursar
  • Emma Matthews, Head of DT
  • Katie Spicer, Head of Marketing

There are no formal elections for any of the committee positions. The posts of Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer are held for a minimum 2 years and maximum of 3 years. The normal term of office for a Form Representative is one academic year (September to July).

In addition there is a Winter Fair Committee chaired by a parent, Liz Yule which organises the Winter Fair - both the stalls for adults and the games for the pupils.

If you are interested in getting involved with the FOAA please contact the Chairmen via Aldro’s school office.

Second Hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) 

The FOAA also encompasses the Second Hand Uniform Shop (SHUS) which is run by and for parents. The shop is next open on:

Friday 28th February at 8.15am

Friday 21st March at 8.15am